
As an expert in the history of Roman songs, Elena Bonelli has published three books on the subject.

Reviving the Roman song

As a result of her research into these songs of Rome, she has honorary master degrees from various Italian and international universities and is in demand for round table discussions, conference and public events with some of the most notable experts in Italian culture.

The experience gained in the field of popular music, lead to the creation of her first book, “From Stornello to Rap”, in which she seeks to bring together the two worlds, considered polar opposites, revealing their great connection and strong ties.

Her passion for the city of Rome, its musical culture and traditions, motivates her to continue to publish books on what she uncovers about her beloved city.

Recently, her third book, “La Canzone Romana” has been published by Newton Compton Editori and is widely available in Italian bookstores. This book relates the 150-year history of the Roman Capital through song. Within the three hundred and thirty pages are descriptions of fifty-eight authors and their Roman music; from Balzani to Achille Lauro, from Baglioni to Venditti, from Renato Zero to Ultimo. She has included great interviews, curiosities, historical and musical events spanning two centuries of Capitoline musical history. Dating from post war up to today, this is her second book that details the history of Roman song.

She is also the author of Rai programs, theatre and cinema. For twenty years she wrote and hosted for Radio Rai theatrical works and screenplays.

The unusual and extraordinary story of the musical tradition of Rome. From Balzani to Baglioni, from Venditti to Ultimo

Author of books but also of Rai programs, theater and cinema.

For 20 years, in fact, he wrote and hosted for Radio Rai.

Strada Facendo

La mezzanotte di Radio Due

Due di Notte

Italiani DOC Italiani in, Italiani out

Fratelli d’Italia

Italiani all’Estero

La Notte dei Misteri

Radio West, stazione radio del contingente della KFOR in Kosovo

Parole e Musica


Eccezionalmente Estate

Theater works and screenplays

Roma, io ti racconto e canto

Magnani, Ferri- Vite da romanzo regia di Stefano RealiElena, Nannarella e Gabriella Roma Celebra Napoli regia di Maria Teresa Elena

Elena, Nannarella e Gabriella Roma Celebra Napoli regia di Maria Teresa Elena

A Sud di New York regia di Elena Bonelli

Tanto pè Cantà regia di Carlo Lizzani

Napoli – New York Andata e Ritorno regia di Enrico Maria Lamanna

Napoli Nà regia di Gigi Oliviero

La Douce France di Juliette Gréco

I edizione regia di Mario Moretti

II edizione regia di Claudio Boccaccini

III edizione regia di Gianni Borgna

Giulia, Una Notte Straordinaria regia di Giacomo Zito

Arlecchino Traditor Perseguitato
